The Light of Jewish Renewal
By Debbie Ellison
As the Jewish people of Biblical times wandered in the wilderness for
forty years, many Jews today wander in the spiritual wilderness, searching
for a way out of their confusion. Many Jews, not finding the spiritual
fulfillment they seek in traditional Judaism, have turned away from their
religion, denying their birthrights in favor of their quest for religious
meaning. Many of these Jewish seekers are now returning home,
finding in the Jewish Renewal movement that which they were unaware existed
in Judaism, a bridge between traditional Judaism and the mysticism and
spiritual depth for which they search.
Jewish Renewal is a transdenominational movement blending Judaism's mystical
and prophetic traditions. It is an all-inclusive, hands-on
Judaism that stresses a personal, creative approach to practicing Judaism.
Its experiential practices include meditation, chanting, dancing, singing,
and an emphasis on direct spiritual experience and Kabbalistic (Jewish
mystical) teachings. Actually these practices are nothing new in Judaism,
but are ancient beliefs, long hidden. Jewish Renewal has renewed
these practices and made them accessible, stressing our oneness with God,
social justice, gender and sexual equality, and ecology and planetary
Jewish Renewal is based on the teachings of Rabbis Zalman Schachte - Shalomi
and Shlomo Carlebach, both trained in the Lubavitch Chassidic movement,
which is derived from mystical Jewish teachings. Both later founded their
own religious organizations which began a worldwide movement called Jewish
Reb (Rabbi) Zalman, as he is affectionately called, founded B'Nai Or Religious
Fellowship (Sons of Light) in 1962. The organization later evolved into
P'Nai Or (Faces of Light), and currently operates as Aleph: Alliance for
Jewish Renewal. Aleph states it is dedicated to reclaiming the Jewish
people's sacred purpose of partnership with the Divine in the inseparable
tasks of tikkun olam (Hebrew for healing the world)
and tikkun halev (Hebrew for healing our hearts).
Jewish Renewal helps heal the world by promoting justice, freedom, responsibility,
caring for all life and the earth that sustains all life.
Ten years ago, the Network of Jewish Renewal Communities (NJRC) was formed.
The tremendous growth demonstrates the strong need within the Jewish community
for a more experiential approach. One of those communities is the Atlanta
Center for Experiential Judaism (CEJ). CEJ was founded in early 2000 by
Jacob Kabb and Joel Rachelson and grew out of their personal search for
spiritual meaning in a Jewish context. Jewish Renewal feels like
a spiritual home for my soul, Rachelson explains, in that
it is inclusive and accepting, non-hierarchical, and offers a mystical
approach to Judaism.
Renewal article continued from last page, click here!
In July 2001, Aleph sponsored its biennial weekend called Kallah (Hebrew
for gathering). A shared interest and enthusiasm for starting
a Jewish Renewal community in Atlanta brought together several Atlanta
Kallah attendees. After returning to Atlanta, a steering committee was
formed to expand the Atlanta Center for Experiential Judaism and develop
Jewish Renewal events and education.
Rabbi Michael Lerner, in his book, Jewish Renewal - A Path to Healing
and Transformation, describes the movement. Whenever you find a
community of people who are actually witnessing the existence of God and
who are challenging the world of oppression in the name of this God, there
you find renewal energy. Whenever you have people who understand themselves
as part of the people whose task it is to be partners with God in the
transformation of the world, who simultaneously approach that task with
awe, wonder, and radical amazement at the grandeur of the universe, and
rejoice in God's presence that fills the entire universe, there you have
renewal energy... Renewal becomes Jewish renewal when it is brought into
the framework of the historical experience of the Jewish people, commits
itself to Jewish rituals and traditions, seeks to rediscover God's voice
through the medium of the Torah tradition, and shares love for, compassion
toward, and attachment to the Jewish people.
The goal of the Atlanta Center for Experiential Judaism, according to
Kabb and Rachelson, is to create a community, open to all, focusing on
experiencing a deeper connection to Jewish spirituality and mysticism.
Connecting with God in a personal and deeply meaningful way and sharing
the joy of being Jewish with like-minded people is what the Center is
all about. Sharing his vision of the Center, Kabb says, Jewish Renewal
provides a mystical connection in line with traditional Judaism. In the
past, Jewish Renewal wasn't as accessible as it is now, and we are working
toward providing as many resources as possible to help people learn about
Jewish Renewal and Jewish spirituality.
The Atlanta community began with a few people and has since grown and
expanded. Monthly events include Chanting with Drumming and a Kabbalat
Shabbat (Sabbath service with a mystical approach). Other events are being
Debbie Ellison is a freelance writer and contact for the Jewish Renewal
Center. She can be reached at